Choir-event sign-up sheet template

Example choir-event sign-up sheet

A sign-up sheet can be used to get members to say whether or not they will attend or take part in a specific event, eg performance, practice, day-trip.

Get the template

  • Click the Word icon to a blank version of the form, which you can download and edit in Microsoft Word format.
  • Click the PDF icon to a blank version of the form, which you can print.
  • Click the Google icon to open a new version of the template in Google Docs: you need to be signed in to a Google account for this to work.

How to use the choir-event sign up sheet.

Put details of the event in big / colourful writing at the top of the sheet. If you are going to type these in, use a different font, and coloured text.

Optional: write in the names of your choir members in alphabetical order.

Optional: If you think some members may not be sure how to use the sheet, get a couple of people to fill in their own details beforehand.

Pass the sheet around your choir members at practise or a similar event.

Collect the sheet that day, and use it to count responses, or to follow up people who haven't responded.


  • If you have more than 20 members, make one sheet for each section, using different colours.
  • If you use coloured paper, make sure that it light-enough so that people can read it.
  • Check the writing on the day, so make sure you can read what everyone has written.

Why use a sheet instead of just emailing or texting?

Because it puts people on the spot to respond:  Choir section leaders quickly learn which choir members respond to messages and which does don't - and that most people don't! And really, you cannot always blame them: When someone reads an email or a especaially a text, they may mean to say "yes" or "no" but get distracted by something else urgent (work, children etc). Very often they forget altogether.

Also, actually writing "yes" on a form - which other people will see - gets people to mentally committ in a way that electronic messages don't.

Why is phone number collected on this form?

The template sign-up form has a column labelled phone-number - even though you most likely have everyone's phone number already.

This is a way of catching up with the people who have changed phone numbers, and forgotten to tell you.

But if this isn't a problem for your choir, you may want to change the column to collect some other information, or remove it.