Time has Made a Change in Me

Rise Up Singing originally listed this song as anonymous, however the Digital Tradition attributes it to Harkins Freye: he was an American (Virginian) gospel song writer in the 1920s.

Posts in Mudcat (an extensive folk-song discussion list) discussions say that "the words can be found in any of several Stamps-Baxter hymnals", but I have not been able to determine exactly which ones. A later post suggest that it was published by the Stamps Quartet Music Company (a break-away company, which was a competitor or Stamps-Baxter) in 1949 (ref).

RUS says that the song is in 3/4 time, and suggests a guitar chord pattern of:

Verse: D - G D / A7 - G D / - - G D / - A7 D -/
Chorus: G - D - / - - E A / D - G D / - A7 D - /


Sheet music - is available here: https://beckygraber.com/product/time-has-made-a-change-in-me/


Duet with light piano accompaniment:

Country and western band in an intimate concert:

Singer with band, professional recording:

Quartet - professional recording:


Time has made a change since my childhood days
Many of my friends have gone away
Some I never more in this life will see
Time has made a change in me.

Time has made a change in the old home place
Time has made a change in each smiling face
And I know my friends can plainly see
Time has made a change in me.

When I reach my home in the great somewhere
With my friends who wait to meet me over there
Free from pain and care I'll forever be
Time has made a change in me.